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Lois is a trained set designer and artist. She’s a visual storyteller; weaving artwork and narrative. Most of her projects are for and includes local communities or are in collaboration with people groups and churches all around Wales. She is especially interested in exploring both physical, physiological and spiritual stories and realities. Lois’s work often combines mediums such as drawings, film, textiles, art installations, physical set design, live interactive art and theatre.


Welsh is her first language and she has a soft-spot for Welsh projects. She started her career in London for 6 years before returning to Wales. She trained at University of Arts London, Wimbledon College of Art. Lois has worked for various companies and charities including Morphē Arts and UCCF: Christian Unions. She has a vast first-hand experience working with creative students in Creative Arts Universities across Wales and the UK. She is still proactively developing and hosting events and resources for Christians who are in creative industries, professionally, semi -professionally and graduate level.


Now she is employed by Cwmpawd: Eglwys Efengylaidd Gymraeg Caerydd to be a community artist creating artwork that engages the local communities. God put her in two worlds - one foot on artistic land and our creative culture, and the other foot in his Church, the family of faith. Lois' privilege is to come alongside churches in Wales and offer imaginative creative resources as they try to connect with their local communities and culture. In the past she has been involved in a wide variety of creative projects in Welsh and English; on a large and small scale; public and personal. 


Investing in the next generation of creatives, and working within a community is one of Lois's values. In addition to her artwork, Lois is a frequent guest speaker and a workshop leader in such places as schools, Universities and religious context. She mostly speaks in the area of Christian theology, the Creative Arts and culture.

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Photograph credited to Alice Bell.

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"I heartily commend Lois Adams to you. She is a servant hearted, gospel focussed worker for the kingdom. She is bilingual and highly skilled. She is in gospel work for the long haul. I have witnessed her diligence , creativity and willingness to work hard, in a team or on her own, in the service of others, churches (which are not her own) and our needy community. In days when some consider there to be lack of gospel workers we now have the opportunity to support financially and prayerfully someone who God has raised up for this very purpose. "


Dr David Norbury

Chair of EMW, Trustee of WLF, Deputy Chair of the England and Wales UBM committee, member of LFEC, Llanelli.

"Un o’r pethau mae llawer o eglwysi yn ei ffeindio’n heriol yw creu cysylltiadau gydag eraill er mwyn cyflwyno neges yr efengyl mewn ffordd ffyddlon a ffresh.Yn ei ras mae’r Arglwydd wedi donio Lois gyda’r gallu i wneud yr union beth yma mewn ffyrdd creadigol. Ac diolch iddo, mae wedi rhoi baich iddi wasanaethu yma yng Nghymru lle mae’r angen mor fawr."


Rev Emyr James

Eglwys Efengylaidd Gymraeg Caerydd

Cardiff's Welsh Evangelical Church

Lois Adams is a gift of God to the church in Wales. She is able to help us to build bridges using the Arts to many of our contemporaries.

Lindsay Brown

Former International General Secretary of IFES and International Director for the Lausanne Movement of World Evangelization.  Head of FEUER (Fellowship of Evangelists in the Universities of Europe)

Planned and curated so professionally, by Lois Adams, and with such enthusiasm and confidence, it was greatly appreciated by all involved with its staging and delivery. The public who attended the exhibition and evening events voiced impressed comments about the whole event and the video and photographic records made by Lois have been subsequently used to continue discussion on this theme which is so relevant in today’s society.


Lois conducted guided tours through the exhibition and these were totally engaging and informative and her pleasant and relaxed approach encouraged discussion and comment from all her groups. During evening events Lois spoke clearly and thoughtfully to large groups which were well attended. I cannot speak more highly of this talented and gifted young woman.


Pam & Mike Pickford

Westgate Church, Pembroke

September, 2023

Lois worked with us for 5 months preparing for our church outreach over 4 days at the Hay Book Festival. Thousands of people would be passing our stall and we needed something eye catching  and also to potentially draw them in to deeper discussions


Lois was able to develop with us the concept of “belonging” - in geographical location, identity and faith. We had a wonderful exhibition which Lois designed and hung for us and we also were able to give free hot drinks to people as they viewed the exhibition.


Lois was wonderful to work with and was a positive energy in our outreach. She was reflective, taking in our ideas, and was available to check out thoughts we had as a church. Lois took part in a creative way in our 2 church services and remained with us throughout the whole of our 4 outreach days.

Jane Dodds

Member of the Senedd, Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats and member of Hay on Wye Bethesda Evangelical Church. 

View the entire welsh article on this PDF file.


"Roeddem yn ddiolchgar iawn o allu cyflwyno ymweliad arddangosfa ‘Merched y Beibl’ fel rheswm a chyfle i amrywiaeth o blant a phobl i ymweld â’r capel, nifer ohonynt erioed wedi bod yn yr adeilad o’r blaen. Y caffaeliad mwyaf i’r wythnos yn ddi-os oedd Lois ei hun – ei ffordd agored, hwyliog o siarad efo pawb a’i hawydd i gyflwyno ac arddel ei ffydd ym mhopeth mae’n ei wneud. Amcangyfrifir fod oddeutu 400 wedi dod i weld yr arddangosfa yn ystod ei chyfnod yn y capel. Diolchwn am bob un ohonynt, gan weddïo y bydd ffrwyth i’r hadau a blannwyd."


Gwenith Jones

Yr Wyddgrud.

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